
Computer Science At Home

The knowledge and technologies developed for the Stretch project played a major role in the design, management, and manufacture of the later IBM System/360--the most successful computer family in IBM history. The 501 is built on a 'building block' concept which allows it to be highly flexible for many different uses and could simultaneously control up to 63 tape drives—very useful for large databases of information. For many business users, quick access to this huge storage capability outweighed its relatively slow processing speed. Molecules, Rare Earths, And Light: Innovative Platform For Quantum Computers And Communications By the early 1990s, Dell became one of the leading computer retailers. The Video Display Module marks the first implementation of a memory-mapped alphanumeric video display for personal computers. Introduced at the Altair Convention in Albuquerque in March 1976, the visual display module enabled the use of personal computers for interactive games. De...

Countries Of The Asia

This support was influenced in part by political unrest during the 1970s and by demands to redistribute wealth and income to satisfy the ‘basic needs’ of the poor . However, the level of political commitment to PHC throughout the region has been weak, except in Vietnam. The thriving of such organizations clearly is related to the failure of documented migration systems and enhanced policing of migration is unlikely to solve the problem of undocumented migration. Improvement of official migration systems must be part of the increasing international effort to combat the people smuggling and trafficking which is especially rife in South and Southeast Asia. In countries of origin there is a need for information programs which provide potential migrants with detailed, accurate information about the costs of the migration process and the nature of the experience at the destination. The pressing issue of protection of migrants and migrant workers from the region is related to that of contro...